Endodontics In One Visit

Root canal treatment prevents the spread of infection into bone, thus preserving the tooth and its root

Endodontics In One Visit

Root canal treatment prevents the spread of infection into bone, thus preserving the tooth and its root


Treatment of inflammation “dental nerve” involves removal of diseased pulp, disinfection and filling the resulting space with harmless materials.


Specialist in endodontics, periodontology and oral medicine, prof.dr.sc. Ivica Anić conducts and supervises endodontic treatments.


Our top endodontic team, in addition to treating root canals, effectively treats other periapical processes such as granulomas, abscesses and cysts.


Single-visit endodontics, in addition to saving time, means a more reliable and safer procedure with same or better results than multi-visit treatment.

Endodontics, or treatment of root canal, is aimed at preventing the spread of infection into the bone, and thus preserve the tooth and its root.

If root canal treatment is not carried out, or is not carried out properly, any further procedure (fillings, crowns) is useless and unjustified. That is why in Polyclinic Šlaj-Anić we later check every endodontic treatment with X-rays.

The modern procedure of root canal treatment is a type of microsurgical procedure and requires a sterile working area. For this reason a rubber dam is placed on the tooth and the inflamed tissue is removed with sterile instruments, by hand or by machine. Infected canals are rinsed with root canal disinfectant fluids, dried and filled with bioinert material.

We are using the most modern medical materials and equipment for endodontic procedures, and they are always performed by specialists.

It is important to point out that the procedure is completely painless and we perform it mainly in one visit. Once it was common to have “dental treatment” carried out in many visits that lasted for weeks or even months, today that is a thing of the past.

One-visit endodontics, in addition to saving the patient’s time, is much more reliable and the discomfort due to the dental procedure is minimized.

All endodontic treatments are performed under the guidance of prof.dr.sc. Ivica Anić, internationally recognized specialist and scientist.

The bacteria penetrate tooth pulp via caries, break it down and multiply. With more severe inflammation the pus is created and it spreads beyond the root of the tooth and in most cases destroys the bone. If left untreated inflammation can also lead to more severe swellings that are visible on the face and can cause serious health problems.

Endodontically treated tooth performs its function in the same way as the healthy untreated tooth. However we should be aware that treated tooth loses moisture and elasticity over time, becomes brittle and can crack under stress. Since most endodontically treated teeth already had extensive caries processes, or large fillings before the treatment begun, they need to be covered with aesthetic dental crowns to reduce the possibility of tooth and / or root fractures.

Sometimes the “dental nerve” can die slowly and painlessly due to slowly progressing inflammation, or due to tooth trauma (usually childhood trauma). The bacteria progress through the root canals toward the opening at the top of the root and settle in surrounding bone tissue, causing inflammation there as well (which we call an abscess or granuloma).

Very rarely, endodontic treatment cannot be successfully performed due to the complicated anatomy of the tooth, strongly curved and narrow canals, or previously performed poor endodontic procedures and the like.

Some of these cases can be successfully resolved by revision (removal of material from the canal, re-cleaning and disinfection of the canal). If it is not possible to make a revision due to metal augmentations inside the tooth, the top of the root is surgically accessed, which is then cut off and removed along with the inflammatory tissue. We call such a procedure “apicotomy”. It is important to emphasize that revision, but also apicotomy, in some cases cannot be done. Then the tooth itself, or individual root on the multi-rooted teeth, must be extracted.

Inflammation of the “dental nerve”, with or without inflammation of the surrounding bone tissue, requires endodontic treatment – which involves mechanical removal of the diseased “dental nerve”, disinfection and filling the gap with harmless materials that remain permanently inside the tooth.

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